Mix FM Mega Shopping Race 2
I can never forget August 14th, 2004. 2 weeks before that, Mix FM is calling all Malaysians out there to join their second season 7-Days MIX FM Mega Shopping Race 2 sponsored by AirAsia and Tourism Malaysia. Being a reality adventure show freak (Amazing Race and Survivor), I went to MixFM website, downloaded the entry form and start bragging why I should be the participant of the race.
Cik Farah Samsuddin called me up one fine day and told me that I was one of the finalist and I was so excited beyond words. There is a small briefing on August 14th with all the contestants and there were 13 contestants (supposedly 14 but 1 went MIA) which we will be paired up according to Mix FM DJ Team. I was assigned to Team Shaz (Shazmin) together with my newly meet partner, Louise Wong. We had some light brunch before we adjourned to the Mix FM studio where we will be interviewed by the DJs.
Finally, we were told to assemble at KLIA on August 22nd where we will be flying to a destination which was not disclose to us.
On that Sunday morning, Caroline Oh was assigned to take our attendance and she always had her smile on all the time. Our destination was to Kuching, Sarawak and we boarded an AirAsia 737. The 1 hour 45 minutes flight was full of laughter being all of us did not know each other and we were talking and laughing.
On touch down, we were transported to Damai Beach Resort where we will be staying for the night and there will be a dinner presentation attended by the Kuching mayor himself.
We did not wear anything lavish since we are racing and we dressed casual. We talked, laughed and of course take the final oppurtunity to take pictures with each other which there is no way you can do that during the race. So these are the participants:-
Team Richard : This is Foong with his MIA partner (the lady in black was my partner actually) but according to the organizer, Foong's partner will be coming the next day on race day itself!!
Team Shaz: Ok, this is me with my partner, Louise Wong (whom needed insulin injections once in a while to maintain her sugar level in her body)
Team Ika: Rueben and Pauline. ( I called them the laughing couple coz they r funny)
Team Anu: Geraldine and Agus (This couple really looks like a match from heaven and Agus is from Sibu, Sarawak. You think he got home advantage? Hahaha, guess again!!)
Team Non: Mus and Panda (She called herself Panda because she said she always had dark rings around her eyes)
Team Caroline: Leyla and Simon
Team Aldeena: TJ and Lela (The team whom did not quarrel with each other during the race)
Day 1
The race started at the Sarawak Cultural Village at Santubong.
Here am I posing with Louise before the race
Ready.... get set... Go!!
Ok, our 1st challenge will be run to our respective Marshall and he will give us the clue and the clue is:
Day 1: Task 1 - The 7 Challenge
1. Use the Sugarcane crysher to extract the juice into a full glass at Bidayuh House
2. Make Kueh Ubi at the Orang Ulu Longhouse
3. Eat at least 1 Sago worm at Melanau Tall House
4. Make a brooch at the Chinese Farmhouse
5. Hot a bulls-eye on the dartboard with a blowpipe at the Penan Hut
6. Perform bamboo dance at Melanau Tall House
7. Spin a gasing for a minimum 10 secs at Gasing Area
Here are we posing with our gasing (top) spinning
Upon completion this task, we need to look for the Director of Sarawak Cultural Village for our next clue where we need to go to Yong Huat Peng Brick & Earthware Factory.
By the time we finish this 1st task, 5 teams already left for the 2nd task and to our great frustration, nobody seemed to know where is this factory! We stopped countless times and wasted more than 2 hours before finally found it. It is actually close to the Kuching airport. Darn!!
Day 1: Task 2 - The Pot Challenge
One team member will have to shape a pot using raw clay. The other member would have to be creative enough to crave designs on a ready moulded unbaked pot.
When finish, team members must look for a specially designed ‘Mega Race Pot’ in the shop with their respective Team name.
We are the 3rd team arrived at the factory and I need to make up some pace; I did the crave designs on a clay pot while Louise do the shaping. Looking for Team Shaz Mega Race Pot is easy since I had a pair of sharp eyes... hehehhehe...
Next, we need to head to Semenggoh Wildlife Centre.
Day 1: Task 3 - The Orang Utan Walk Challenge
Walk like an Orang Utan on the Orang Utan Walk
I was surprised after reading the clue. What is walking like an orang utan got to do anything in a Shopping Race? Anyway, it's look easy walking on a rope but I was wrong due to my giant size. Both team members need to do it.
OK, after completion, we were given a clue and asked to head to India Street Mall
Day 1: Task 4 - The India Street Mall Challenge
You are to purchase a pair of Jusco brand men’s pyjamas each from Bong Kuck Kong and wear them and look for the Director for verification
This is really getting wierder. Buy and wear a pyjamas and run around on the street?? Gosh!! Ok! next clue please!!
Day 1: Task 5 - The Main Bazaar Challenge
In your new outfit, you must purchase different items from different shops at the Main Bazaar amounting to the frequency of Mix FM in Kuching. Bring all items and receipts for the Director for verification.
Luckily, I did my homework. Mix FM frequency in Kuching is 97.7 and I played this challenge smart. Since we need to buy items (plural) so means that we need to buy more than 1 item, so we went and buy 2 items instead while other teams bought like 3 or 4 items!! hahahaha...
we bought a scarf for RM10 and ran to an antiques shop tp look for something that we can get for RM87.70. I found this Chinese tea cup set (which I like) and it costed RM100. I asked for RM87.70 and the owner looks really puzzle (who doesn't!!) and finally got the Chinese tea cup set.
Then our next clue asked us to look for the Tower around the vicinity overlooking the Kuching town. It was not far from where we were and we ran. There, we were given a clue
Day 1: Task 6 - The Sang Kancil Challenge
Go to the mural on the western side of the tower and memorize the story. Climb up the tower to answer 10 simple questions to get your next clue.
Sounds easy. We took like 5 minutes to 'memorize' the story on the mural wall and we ran up the tower which is about 5 storey high. We sat down and the Marshall asked us the questions.
I was shocked when the questions asked was not actually based much on the storyline but it is more to the picture drawn on the mural!!! Questions like, how many leaves are there on a branch at wall mural number 3? How on earth we need to know we have to memorize the number of leaves!!!
This challenge took longer than we thought and we ran up and down the tower for 3 times in order to answer the entire 10 stupid questions!!!
Next stop, we need to go to TopSpot Seafood Centre which is 10 minutes away from Waterfront.
Day 1: Task 7 - TopSpot The TopSpot Seafood Challenge
Look for your clue at the many many uncountable tables.
It was an ocean of tables which I think there were more than 100 tables. But Louise is the one who found the clue in 15mins time.
Day 1: The Pitstop
Head to Holiday Inn, Kuching for the pitstop of the day!!
Holiday Inn is just across the road and we ran to the hotel. When we reached there, I was actually hoping to step on a carpet or some sort (like in the Amazing Race) but instead, there is a Marshall sitting by the pool and said, "Team Shaz, you are team number 5"
well, my team was about 30mins away from the 1st so it is not that bad.
No team got eliminated in this round!
Day 2
The race started at 7am and all teams will depart as per the order they arrived yesterday. Our first clue for Day 2 is to make our way to the jetty that brings us to the Bako National Park and take a boat to the park and search for your next clue.
Here am I filing petrol to my Wira. It is a long journey from Kuching to Bako, approximately an hour and a half from Kuching town (not include time that one got lost. We were lucky we did not!!)
By the time, we reached at the ticketing counter, Team Aldeena is already there and followed closely by Team Richard.
The boat ride took us approx 45mins to reach Bako National Park.
At the information counter of the park, we were handed a clue.
Day 2: Task 1 - The Bako Challenge
Follow the Teluk Paku Trail and take pictures of 10 trees from the list below:
1. Abenanthera borneensis
2. Cotylelobium melanoxylon
3. Dehaasia cuneata
4. Dipterocarpus nudus
5. Elaeocarpus pedunculatus
6. Garcinia torbesii
7. Pimelodendron ariffithianum
8. Podocarpus polystachyus
9. Shorea ovata
10. Xerospermum muricatum
In addition, a picture of proboscis monkey will add 30 minutes to your time which you can use anytime during the course of the race.
Here am I showing the Marshall of the photos take we took. I managed to capture the picture of the Proboscis monkey and therefore, we had earned 30mins bonus which we can utilize anytime during the race. The next clue had directed us to go to Pasa Satok. So, off with the boat ride and long driving again!
Day 2: Task 2 - The Satok Challenge
Head to the Satok Market and you are required to search and buy 8 different types of local vegetables / delicacies out of 10 stated below
Midin, Kuih cincin, Jering, Terung pipit, Kacang ‘Mah’, Buah Kala, Kulat Madu, Ja’aon, Halus Metai, Cili Hantu
No problem in this task. Upon completion, we had been directed to the Local Heroes Monument and search for our next clue.
Day 2: Task 3 - The Superhero Challenge
This task is simple and we found the clue in no time! For the next challenge,
Day 2: Task 4 - The Cat Challenge
You need to purchase an item that symbolizes a cat from each of the following shopping mall.
Crowne Plaza Riverside Shopping Centre -7
Tun Jugah Shopping Centre -5
Sarawak Plaza -4
Wisma Satok -1
Hock Lee Centre -9
Choice Food Supermall -2
Wisma Saberkas -3
Everise Supermarket -8
Centrepoint Shopping Centre -6
Upon verification of the items purchased, you will be given your next clue
This is a real strategy game and since we need to go to 9 different shopping complexes, we planned our journey using a map. We went to Wisma Satok since it is the closest to us, then followed by Choice Supermall, Wisma Saberkas, Sarawak Plaza, Tun Jugah Shopping Centre, Centrepoint Shopping Centre, Crowne Plaza Riverside Shopping Centre, Everise Supermarket and lastlty Hock Lee Centre travelling from northeast to southwest of Kuching town.
Upon completion, we were handed over the next clue,
Day 2: Task 5 - The Pepper Challenge
Look for a pepper tree around Ban Hock area and pluck some fresh peppers. Proceed to the Kuching International Airport for your final pit stop.
It took us an hour to find the damn pepper tree which is outside Continental Hotel. Then we make haste to to Kuching International Airport and Team Shaz was Team no 4!!
No team was eliminated as well in this league!!
We took an AirAsia flight back to Kuala Lumpur and from there, we were transported south and check in Equitorial Malacca for the night.
Day 3
Day 3: Task 1 - The Trishaw Challenge
One of your team member will take a trishaw and purchase these items:
Malacca Belacan, Durian dodol, Cincaluk, Gula Melaka, Kuih Ciki, Coconut cookies
A pair of chopstick, Bedak Sejuk, Biskut Sakima and Cotton
Return to the starting league to get your next clue.
Louise will be doing this task alone (since women enjoy shopping) while I wait patiently at the lobby. In the midst of waiting for Louise, Team Aldeena came to me and propose to form an alliance. After 2 days, Team Ika and Anu had been quite strong since they were always at the head of the pack. We agreed that to share information during the course of the race (till any of us got eliminated!)
Louise came back with bags of goodies (which most of them we ate in the car on that day!!) and were given the next clue to go to Jusco Malacca.
I got over confident at that time and I thought that Jusco Malacca was at Mahkota Parade and I drove there. But upon reaching there and ask the guard for Jusco store, he said that I need to head to the North-South Highway route and Jusco Malacca was at the side of the highway!!
Upon reaching Jusco Malacca, Team Aldeena had already over took us and in the midst of their challenge.
Day 3: Task 2 - The Jusco Challenge Part 1
Your female team member need to buy these items at the Men’s Department;
A tie, A shirt, A belt, A brief, A pair of slacks and a pair of socks
The male member must wear all the items bought and be a mannequin for 10 minutes in a certain pose.
Not that hard except but I was sweating like mad that time. (I did not take off my MixFM lemon green shirt!!)
Next, we were given the next clue:
Day 3: Task 3 - The Kuda Kepang Challenge
Head to 94-16 Sungai Nibong, Semerah, Batu Pahat (mukim Kg. Lubok), Johor and look for Encik Naim, one of the Kuda Kepang performers in Malaysia who will teach you the Kuda Kepang dance.
You will then perform the dance and be judge. Upon completion of the dance, get a miniature Kuda Kepang from him.
As a kampong tradition, you will have to eat a mandatory lunch prepared by the host in order to get your next clue
Driving to Batu Pahat from Malacca took us close to 3 hours where we made a lot of stops enquiring people on directions to Kg. Lubok. Apparently, En. Naim is a very famous person because when we reach Kg. Lubok and stopped and ask about En. Naim, he knew where he lives! Drew us a map and off we go!!
First, we need to watch a bunch of people and perform the Kuda Kepang dance and we are suppose to memorize the steps!! It was about 5 minutes dance and I told Louise that we could never perform the same steps as them and therefore, I asked her to follow my steps during the performance. If we could not get it right, at least we are synchronized and the trick works!!!
The lunch served by the host was actually Javanese style. The food was delicious (maybe because I am hungry) but I do not dare to eat the wax-chicken served. It is just me. I got something against wax-look-alike food.
En. Naim gave us the next clue and the clue directed us to Plantations Sdn Bhd Ladang Nenas Simpang Renggam
It is about 45 minutes drive and it is not hard to find since this is the largest pineapple farm in Malaysia!
Day 3: Task 4 - The Pineapple Challenge
Look for this plot number Jalan 8, Blok 38, Sub Blok 7
and pluck a ripe pineapple. Bring the pineapple back and you need to eat the entire pineapple.
Not that hard but looking for a ripe pineapple is certainly hard. We need to go deep in the sub block to get one! The last thing I would want is having itchy tongue!! By the time we arrive, it is already close to 6pm and there were 3 more teams behind us. I heard that the 3 teams having difficulty looking for the plot since there is no street light in the plantation but they were given a torch light!.
Next, our next clue told us to go to Jusco Permas Jaya, Johor Bahru.
Day 3: Task 5 - The Jusco Challenge Part 2
The male member would now purchase the following items at the Ladies Department
Scarf, Undergarments (top and bottom), Blouse (Top), Bottom, High heel shoes and
The female member will now dress up and be a mannequin for 10 minutes in a specific pose and place.
Ok! This is the 1st time I am buying a bra and female underwear. Felt really awkward and Louise wear a bra size 36 when I told her what bra size she wears. I said, "Are you sure? You don't look like 36!" and Louise gave me a nasty stare!! Opps.... ok, so off I go....
I prayed that we will be ask to go to a pitstop but it's not! We were asked to drive to Kota Tinggi and in search for the popular Clock Tower! (I know where!!)
By the time we reach Kota Tinggi it is already 10.30pm and were given a clue.
Day 3: Task 6 - The High Town Challenge
You are require to purchase all the following items by foot where 1 member will wear a mask and the other will wear a lighted pacifier.
A slice of cake
A packet of nasi lemak
A loaf of bread
A 2B pencil
A cooked piece of chicken drumstick
A pair of sunglasses
A hairclip
A plain white piece of paper
A picture frame
A poncho
We having trouble looking for a poncho at that hour and we almost gave up looking for it. We went back to the marshall and told her that we could not find a poncho at this time. Then she said, 'Tak pe, baju hujan pun boleh!!' Dingggg....
We ran to the nearest 7-11 hoping they sell raincoat and they do!! God had mercy on us!
We ran back to the marshall and got our clue
Final Pitstop!!
Kota Rainforest Resort will be your pit stop of the league.
It is not far from the Clock Tower but looking for the small road heading up to this resort is certainly difficult. The small bumpy road took us about 15 minutes to reach the resort and I was lucky to see the sign (there were no light at all!!)
By the time we checked in, it was close to 1am and we were the 5th team to arrived. The sad thing is that the gap between us and the 4th team was about an hour plus! It was a certainly a long day and tired as well. There were 2 dorm reserved for us (the guys and the gals) and Rueben (Team Ika), Agus (Team Anu), TJ (Team Aldeena) and Simon (Team Caroline) were sitting and talking. But what amazed me is the design of the dorm itself. Very Bali style. I cleaned myself and head to bed.
Day 4
The next league will start at 8am and we were told that Team Richard had been eliminated at the last league. We bid our farewell to Foong and Sasha.
I discussed with Louise about our 1 hour gap with the 4th team and I proposed to use the 30mins bonus that we got in order to narrow the gap. Louise agreed and we used our Bonus time in hope we could make up some time.
Day 4: Task 1
Drive yourself to Terminal Hasil Laut 926 in Sungai Karang, Kuantan
Kuantan is a consider an advantage for me since I had only recently been to Kuantan and visited some of the popular places by car. The drive from Kota Tinggi to Kuantan took us about 4.5 hours but I was stopped at a police road block upon reaching Mersing for speeding. After 15minutes, the police let us go because they had stopped the wrong car! Damn!!
When we reached Kuantan town, we stopped at a petrol station to ask for the location of Terminal 926 and the attendant drew us a map. Approximately 15mins we reached at Terminal 926 but it was empty!
We saw the regular marshal and it is come to our attention that there were a huge accident and the place need to be close down. So, we were given the next clue (Yipeee!!)
Day 4: Task 2
Look for Ghazali Batik
I know where it is!! Without haste, I drove myself to Ghazali Batik which is about 10km away.
Day 4: Task 3 - The Batik Challenge
Perform the Batik design drawing with a ‘canting’. You need to b creative and draw your version of Mix FM batik.
Upon completion, purchase a batik attire for each of you
Well, the challenge is not that hard but Louise and I debated how to design our MixFM batik and it came out like this.
And got ourselves these batik attire!
The marshall handed the next clue which read,
Day 4: Task 4 - The Along The Way Challenge
Make way to Country View Recreation Park in Jeram Besu. Along the way, you need to require to complete 3 mini challenges
Mini Task 1
Eat 2 whole durians between 2 of you.
Mini Task 2
Purchase basic necessities for camp night out
Mini Task 3
Purchase 5 raw chicken wings
We have no problem getting the chicken wings and basic necessities for camp (just bought candles, matches and mosquito coil repellant) but the problem is finding durians!! We drove for like an hour plus in search for durians at supermarkets, local stores etc and they had none! It was not even durian season that time.
Therefore, I discussed with Louise to head to Jeram Besu straight hoping we would find some durians along the way.
We use the newly open West-East Coast Highway and we took the the exit at Temerloh before travelling on trunk roads to Jeram Besu.
It was close to midnight by the time we exit Temerloh and Jeram Besu was about an hour journey. Here, we were so lucky that we found durians sold by the roadside (more like a fruit store) and we happily gobbled 2 smallest durians we can find (both of us not a durian fan!)
By the time we reach Country View which we thought were the pitstop, we were so dead wrong when we were hand over a clue!!
Day 4: Task 5 - The Tent Challenge
Pitch a tent sturdily with the given materials at the marked camping grounds. Upon approval from the official, the director will give you the next clue.
Oh no!! more challenge to go? I was dead tired that time since I had not had enough rest for the past 4 days already. There was no instructions given how to set up a tent and I have to look at the already set up tents done by other teams. There were 2 tents already set up. About spending like 20 mins, I realized that the materials given is not adequate and I complained to the marshall. He checked and verified my claim. I were given another set to accomplish the task. I was so furious wasted precious time.
Finally, the tent was finish and was handed the next clue.
I’m waiting for you at the Viewing Tower
Viewing tower? It was already pitch black in the area and where the heck I can look for the Viewing Tower? We explore the ground and we came across a tower and decided to climb up. A marshall was there! He jotted down the arrival time and I told him that we were given inadequate materials when setting up the tent. He said he will checked with the marshall in charge and will speak to the organizer.
Finally, we got back our 20 minutes that was wasted!!
Team Anu and Team Aldeena arrived the earliest team arrived by almost an hour plus. Team Ika was actually the head of the pack but was told that they actually headed to Kota Bahru direction instead of Temerloh. Team Ika finally arrived but there were the 2nd last team. The last team was Team Caroline and they were eliminated from the race
Guess what! We slept inside the tent we built!!
Day 5
Day 5 started with a stir. TJ and Lela (Team Aldeena) had lost their bag that contains their personal belongings such as ID cards, driving licenses and their money. Therefore, they could not continue the race and were forced to be eliminated. It is sad for Team Aldeena ended in that way and therefore, there goes with our alliance.
Our start of the league will be at Jusco, Ipoh (Louise home ground!)
Upon reaching Jusco, Ipoh, we were given the clue.
Day 5: Task 1 - The Jusco Challenge Part 3
You will have to purchase:
6 items that has 6 alphabets
5 items that has 5 alphabets
4 items that has 4 alphabets
3 items that has 3 alphabets
Note: No plurals or brand name!
We are smart to look for the RM1 section which every Jusco would have and bought most of our items from that section!
Upon verification by the marshall, we were given a clue.
Day 5: Task 2 - The Trolley Challenge
Both of you are required to help shoppers push their trolley carts from the shopping area to their cars and load the items into the car for them. Both team members have to push the trolleys together at all times.
You are required to get their signatures on a piece of paper provided.
You must have 10 signatures from 10 different people.
In this challenge, we need to compete against Team Anu. Apparently they spent too much time on the last task and we manage to catch up. The team behind us was Team Ika was more than an hour behind us. Both teams finished about at the same time and we crashed our trolleys each other many times during this challenge in order to grab more shoppers. Obviously, Geraldine from Team Anu had the advantage of grabbing the men shoppers.
Upon completion, we were asked to go to Infoternak Farm in Sungai Siput which is about 30 minutes heading North of Ipoh. The farm is not hard to be located since it is just by the roadside with a huge signage.
Day 5: Task 3 - The Farm ChallengeOne team member will use a sickle and cut a bundle of grass and head to the goat pen to feed the goats. The other member will clean the underneath of the pen and collect a bag of dung.
Upon completion of the 2 tasks, both of you must milk a goat and fill the pail with milk at the line drawn. Bring the pail of milk to the nursery and feed 3 kids with the milk.
In this challenge, I decided to do the gathering 'lallang' since it is more hard labour stuff (knowing Louise's condition) and of course scrapping dung is somewhat not my liking... hahahaa... The area where I suppose to cut the lallang was about 100m away and it was noon that time. Pushing the wheel barrow under the afternoon hot sun is somewhat unbearable which I got headache later of the day.
I thought that I want to do the milking thingy but Louise insisted she wanted to do it while I need to 'pacify' the goat since Louise for one, she is not experience doing it and secondly, the goat seemed somewhat not comfortable being 'milked' by her. We manage to get the amount of milk, after like more than 30 minutes.
While Louise pour the milk into a big tumbler, I need to get 3 kids out from their 'kandang' and carry them to the tumbler. They suck those milk like no one's business at all. Is it really tasted that good??
Pheww... ok, after all that cutting, cleaning shit, milking, pacifying and feeding, we were handed to the next clue to head to Megamall, Penang.
Team Anu was in front of us on route to Penang and they drive quite slowly in which I think they wanted me to overtake them! Hahaha... I do not fall to that trap and I tailed them for almost 20km before I took an exit that leads to the North-South Highway. It was too late for them to take that exit and they just need to go further up before making a U-Turn.
I was confident that Megamall, Penang was located in the Penang Island itself but I was wrong when I was told by the person in charge at the Perusahaan toll that Megamall, Penang was actually on the mainland itself which it's at Perai. I had never been to the Province Wellesley before and it took us a longer time to search for that mall.
By the time we reach there, Team Anu had started their challenge.
Day 5: Task 4 - The Mega Challenge
You are to purchase these items in order given and carry the items purchased EVERYWHERE you go.
1. 10 kilos of rice
2. 5 litres of mineral water
3. 1 bottle of chili sauce
4. 2 sleeping pillows
5. 10 chicken eggs
6. 3 kg of laundry detergent
7. 1 plastic stool
8. 1 mop
9. 1 bottle of liquid dishwash
10. 2 hula hoops
11. 2 bottles of tomato sauce
This task is a very hard labour intensive task and we need to walk around the mall, looking for the specified items and carrying around. After the 6th item, my head feel like it is going to explode due to the long exposure under the hot sun at Sg. Siput and since I am carrying all the heavy stuffs like the 10kg of rice and 5L of water, the pressure was so great that I almost passed out. I told Louise and the Marshall that I could not go on and needed to rest. My fever started to develop as well. Seeing that condition, Louise said she will continue the task while I rest and ther she goes carry all the stuffs with her running here and there. At that moment, I just felt that Louise is so important.
After the challenge, we were asked to head for the pit stop which is Holiday Inn, Penang. I had done 95% of the driving since throughout the race (since I felt men are better driver than women), I decided to let Louise drive while I gave her directions to head to Batu Feringgi.
I gobbled 6 Panadols that night and went to sleep without eating anything.
* I did not attend the daily briefing after this league and I was told by Louise that Team Caroline had been eliminated and we were the 3rd Team arrived. I was shocked that Team Ika was an hour plus at the back of us, managed to catch up. Then I found out that, Pauline is from Penang and she, too knew Penang very well (which include Seberang Prai).
Day 6
I could not believed that I will be at the Top 3 for this race. Team Anu, Team Ika and Team Shaz. My fever had went down but not recovered completely. I am not sure whether I could stand for another high intensive day and I would not certainly want being elimnated because I am not well. Therefore, mati biar mati lah.
Day 6: Task 1Go to Teluk Bahang Dam to hunt for your next clue
Well, I certainly know where is Teluk Bahang which is not far from Batu Feringgi but is there any dam in Teluk Bahang? Apparently is!! Upon reaching Teluk Bahang and ask the locals there, we reached there in no time?

Looking for the stupid clue ain't easy. We have to run at the small hut (the white object on my right) which is about 500m away!! We spent about an hour searching at bushes, tables and chairs when it was stucked at a dustbin!! I was dam furious!!
Day 6: Task 2
Head to Tropical Fruit Farm
Hey, I know where it is!! Heheheh coz I been there! It is less than 10 minutes drive from the dam. Upon reaching there, Team Ika already left and Team Anu's car is still there. In there, we meet Mr. Kenny, the owner of Tropical Fruit Farm gave us the clue.
Day 6: Task 3 - The Fruit Challenge
Choose either of these 2 challenges
1. To pluck a coconut on a tree, open it into half, grate it and make it into santan juice.
2. Search for a nutmeg tree, pluck 3 ripe nutmegs and make it a glass of nutmeg juice and drink it
Surprisingly, we are the only team that chooses the nutmeg challenge while the other 2 had picked the 'Deng Ga' (coconut in Tamil) challenge!
It is not hard to spot a nutmeg tree by seeing the picture at the brochures on how nutmeg trees look like but certainly plucking it needs some courage! I need to climb up the tree to pluck the nutmegs!

After all that plucking and cutting, I had no chance to taste the nutmeg juice because apparently, Louise was too thirsty that she finish it in 1 gulp!
Ok, next challenge please...
Day 6: Task 3
Head to Tropical Spice Garden
I know where it is again! We passed by it when on route to Teluk Bahang dam which is just 5 minutes drive from our hotel!.
So, we went in to Tropical Spice Garden and our sexy Marshall was waiting anxiously for us and she told us that Rueben from Team Ika fell into a pond and ask us to becareful? Careful? of what? That is when she handed me the clue...
Day 6: Task 4 - The Spice Challenge
You must complete these 3 tasks in order
Task One
You need to collect all spices to make yummy curry to a perfect and moist blend. In order to know which spices to use, you need to solve this Spice Clues. All answers can be obtained within the Spice Trail
Spice Clue 1
“A sum of this, a sum of that, a sum of me will make all things sour”
Spice Clue 2
“I am too hot for you, baby!”
Spice Clue 3
Imagine piercing a hole through my body, stringing a few of us together and setting us on fire – Ouch”
Spice Clue 4
Look like lallang? But you have yet to be dazzled by my zesty powers

OK! Looking for the spices took us a while since we need to go through the spice labels and description that best fit with the clue given. We were lucky that we got all the 4 spices correct while the other 2 teams got one of the spice wrong.
Spice 1 - Being an assam boi freak, immediately I know it is Assam Jawa.
Spice 2 - Haiya! Make curry of course you need chilli lah
Spice 3 - This one took us a while and we finally figured out is the famous Buah Keras!!
Spice 4 - The only spice that look like 'lallang' would have the same color of our Mix FM T-shirt, lemon green! Lemon grass lah....
During this challenge, Louise had happily endulging herself with the Assam Jawa behing my back while looking for the other spices! And she got the cheek and told me that it is fresh and delicious! I told her that if the quantity of Assam Jawa is not enough to perform our task, she will need to vomit out what she had gobbled!

Next we need to grind the ingredients to a thick paste and I was honoured to do the grinding while Louise task would get me some fresh mountain water that was flowing next to us and I took the oppurtunity to gulp some! You should see Louise's face when I did that... Hahhahaha...
Task Two
Find your way to Giant Swing and armed yourself with 9 different coloured hoops, get on the swing and fling the hoops into the respective colored baskets

Being borned and gifted with long arms, no problem throwing those hula hoops into the basket! Well, I virtually need to put them into the basket instead of throwing them like those dwarfs!!
Task Three
Make your way to Water Garden. Get into the boat and row past the water plants to pick up your next clue. If you fall, you need to return to the starting point and try again.

So! This is Rueben took a dip! No worries, being an experienced kayaker, I have no problem manoevure the sampan but I had to constantly told Louise to shut up and not to make any sudden moves!
Day 6: Task 5
Head to Island Plaza
Alright! Island Plaza is on the way to the famous Gurney Drive and it is just 15 minutes away from Batu Feringgi.
Day 6: Task 6 - The 3-Legged Challenge
Go to Fitness First and go on the treadmill for 3 minutes.
Then head to US Pizza and share 1 regular pizza and a big glass of Ice Lemon Tea each
Next, get your legs tied together and you will have to walk around to purchase 10 RM5 items from 10 different shops.

The treadmill challenge was nothing but I was really looking forward of eating stuff because for the last 5 days, I had not had any decent food to my stomach and I certainly hope the pizza and lemon tea were not 'specially formulated' for the racers!
Thank god it is not! While Louise slowly biting a slice of pizza, I took 2 slices, folded them together and eat. Louise could not believe her eyes that I do that!
'We are racing lah not dating! Eat faster lah!!'
So, she ended eating 2 slices while I had to finish the remaing 6 slices (no problem there!!)

I guessed this is the time (only time) that me and Louise were close together and I am sure Louise had this memory fused into her head! I should actually thank her for finish this challenge faster for her being shouting all over asing for items that cost RM5!! Due to my pride, I was looking for a hole that I could stuck my head into!!
Next stop... Bukit Merah Lake Town Resort!!
Day 6: Task 7 - The Bukit Merah Challenge
Head to the Waterpark and go for the Boomerang Ride (each one of you!)
Then head to the Eco Park and look for the Snake Keeper who will hand you a python. You will have to put the python around both of you and ask 5 people to take a picture of you.
Finally go to the Body Slide to get your next clue which is hidden somewhere along the slide. If you do not get the clue, you will have to join the line and wait for your turn and try again.

The Boomerang ride was fun for me but not Louise! The whole Water Park could hear her voice!

Now, I had handled snake before although I am not a fan of this reptile. When the snake keeper put the phyton on our shoulders, Louise got numbed for a while. Since the head of the snake was closer to her, she actually grabbed the snake's body (more like squeezing) and pushing it away. I told her that obviously the phyton would not have bite us but if you countinue squeezing like that, if I were the snake, I will definitely swallow you in whole. Of course, getting 5 people took our picture is not hard except the kids ran away from us and so were some chicks (girls). I shouted, 'Jangan takut, jangan takut! Ular ni tak patuk punya! Jangan percaya pada muka kawan saya ini....' (Don't be afraid! Don't be afraid! The snake will not bite you. Don't trust the look of my friend's face here....). Muahahahaha.....
Finally, we got our clue at the Body Slide (semi opened tube),
Day 6: Task 8
Travel using North-South Highway and head to Sg Klah Hot Springs Park. The exit of this park is between Ipoh and Tanjung Malim.
Of mother of all challenges, we were down to zero of thinking where is this Sungai Klah? We asked some Bukit Merah staffs but none of them had heard of it. Dead meat? We look at the map and we just could not find it!
Therefore, without wasting anymore time, we headed south and hoping that someone will know the where is Sg Klah. At the Bukit Merah toll, I asked the operator and he asked us to take the Sungkai toll exit.
"Abang betul kah ni? Abang pasti kuar kat Sungkai?" I said
"Are you sure, bro? You sure that we need to take the Sungkai exit?"
"Betul punya!!", the operator said confidently.
"It's true!!"
Well, we look at the map and Sungkai exit is just after Bidor which is about 2 hours drive with maximum warp!

We took no chances and we stopped at rest areas along the highway and asked some people there. We were lucky when a man that we asked said that he had been there and it is at the exit of Sungkai. He even drew us a simple map to the Park! (Thank god!)
I hope that other teams would have trouble looking for that place and maybe Team Ika would overshot and head to KL instead. Upon exiting Sungkai, there were many signs indicating where is Sg. Klah Hot Spring Park but it took us close to an hour to reach that park, no thanks to the no street lights and bumpy road!
Apparently, there were many people in the park and we need to pay RM2 to enter.
Darn!! The other 2 teams were already there! So, there goes the hope of some team got lost!!
Day 6: Task 9 - The Egg, Algae & Soaking Challenge
Boil an egg to a perfect hard boil egg at the hot springs area. If it is not perfect hard, you will have to do it again.
Next, go to the algae site and cover your face completely and proceed to the soaking pool and soak yourself at a given time (pick an envelope to get your soaking time)

To get a hard boiled egg is not that hard. Just let it soak for 10 minutes and it will be as hard as a rock!! Team Anu failed this attempt at first. The second task was tough cause there ain't enough algae to cover our faces and the marshall gave us an allowance!
But what frustrated us the most is that the envelope that will showed us how much time we need to soak ourselves was 45 minutes! Team Ika whom arrived first got the 30 minutes envelope and Team Anu whom arrived second got the 15 minutes envelope!
By the time we start soaking ourselves, both teams had left! So, there we were, soaking ourselves, gazing at the skies, not to let the algae fell off our faces and we had a heart to heart talk.
Honestly, we argued a lot during the course of the race and many teams believed that we will not make it to the final three but we had proved them wrong. No matter how much I disagree with Louise vice versa, both of us focused 100% on every task. I apologized to her and she apologized to me and I told her to bare with me for just 1 more day and we will be home free. Knowing the gap between both of us and the other team, it is very hard to keep up since I strongly believed that we will be racing at our homeground which is the Klang Valley and all of us either grew up there or had spent many years in the Klang Valley. I told her to enjoy ourselves for 1 final day to the finish line and both of us agreed.
Day 6: Task 10
Drive yourself to Bukit Bintang and go for a 30 minutes foot reflexology
By the time we hit the road, it is already close to 11am and we need about another hour plus (at maximum warp!) to reach Kuala Lumpur. We tuned in to Mix FM all the time (we are not suppose to change channel) and heard from Aldeena, the DJ on duty on that night said that both teams had arrived in Bukit Bintang and Team Ika was even said selling off things to get more money. Of all 3 teams, we had the most accumulated money since we really watch out every sen that we spent (that is most of our arguements about)
We went to this Reflexology Centre which is opposite Jalan Alor since it was the cheapest that we could fine.
Then our final pitstop was The Westin, Kuala Lumpur. (Yeap! A 5 Star hotel which was very recently open that time!) I slept like a baby on the fresh new bed!
Day 7
OK! The final day! This is now or never. Team Ika and Team Anu had an hour plus advantage from us. Both me and Louise had realize that it will took us a miracle to be able to keep it up with them knowing racing in our own turf but as I told Louise, we need to focus on each task and do it as fast as we could.
Day 7: Task 1
Go to Pudu Wet Market to look for your clue
Since it is a Sunday, traffic is quite light to Pudu from Bukit Bintang and it took us less than 10 minutes to get there but looking for a parking really get on our nerves!!
After we parked our car, we ran into the wet market looking for the clue. We looked high and low, cruising through the sea of people, went into every sections of the market; meat, vegetables, groceries etc and it took us like more than 30 minutes that we saw a familiar sign just near a Buddhist temple by the market. Darn!!
Day 7: Task 2 - The Wet Market Challenge
You will be asked 5 questions individually by a Marshall about your partner and every wrong answer you get, you will to collect 1 bowl of chicken guts and fish scales with your bare hands.

Shit! In the entire race, we don't really get the chance of getting acquainted well except arguements. So, the Marshall asked Louise some questions and finally the Marshall handed her 3 empty plastic bowls. OK! My turn... I was asked:
Q: What is Louise's favourite pet?
A: A dog. (Confidently since she did mentioned she had a Miniature Pincher)
Q: What is her favourite color?
A: Errr... I simply bantai lah and i said black since I remembered her wearing a black blouse during dinner before the race.
Q: What is her favourite movie?
A: (What the....) Titanic? (Which I seriously doubt...)
I can't remember the other 2 questions but I got 2 questions right and so I was handed 3 empty bowls.

So off, we went into the wet market looking for chicken and fish stalls collecting guts and scales.
"Buat apa semo tu?", asked the stall owners
"What the heck you need those for?"
"Buat sup bang, baik untuk kesihatan punya!!", I answered
"To make soup, bro. It is said to be good for health"
Then after that we got over next clue.
Day 7: Task 3
Go to Pusat Rekreasi Air, Taman Wetlands, Putrajaya
You must row a ‘dinghie’ to the 5 mini island across the lake and look for your next clue
We arrived at Wetlands approximately 40 minutes. We ran to the lake and the officer in charge suit us up and pointed out the mini islands which is about 300m away from the shore.

Well, since there were only 1 clue left (The other teams had already gone), it is certainly time consuming and we only got the clue after we went to the 3rd island.
Day 7: Task 4
Head to South City Plaza
South City Plaza is located at Sri Kembangan which is not far from Putrajaya. We ran up and down inside South City Plaza to look for our next clue before spotted a Marshall wandering at the Ground Floor.
Day 7: Task 5 - The Word Search Challenge
You will have to look for items in the attached ‘Word Search Alphabet Jumble’. After figuring out 10 items, you will have to purchase them in South City Plaza
Well, i always love solving puzzles and we finish locating all 10 item s in no time and off we went into Giant Supermarket to get all the 10 items.
Day 7: Task 6 - The 3-Some Challenge
You need to complete these 3 challenges in no particular order.
The Color Challenge – Mid Valley Megamall
Purchase a full list of full colored items of any sort but you can only purchase the items at the carts and kiosks. The colors are green, blue, yellow, pink, black, white, orange, purple, red and brown
Jusco Challenge Part 4 – 1 Utama
You are to purchase a 3-tier open shelf from Jaya Jusco and assemble it from scratch. Then you will have to go to any Hair Saloon and get your hair washed and blow dried for the prize giving ceremony.
The A-to-Z Challenge – Sunway Pyramid
You must purchase item that begins with all the alphabets.

The Sunway challenge may took us a longer time I told Louise and so, I suggested to do the easy ones first and she agreed. Therefore, we head to Mid Valley.
Upon arrival, we went to the Lower Ground floor where all the carts and kiosks located. We looked at every cart for something that is full in color and we ended up buying colourful maltose sweet which cost us only RM1 per stick. For colors that is not available, we went to thenext cart and bought some local kuehs. We finished this task in less than 30 minutes and next stop, 1 U.

Looking for parking in 1 Utama cost us too much time and after 30 minutes, we finally managed to get one. We ran to 3rd floor of Jusco which that is where the Home Appliances is located. We looked for the cheapest book shelf, bought it and I took the liberty of assemble it (since I have a lot of Ikea furnitures at home). Done!!
Next, we need to get our hair done and Louise said she knew a saloon in 1 U that can gave us discount!

Honestly, I had never had my washing and blow job done in a saloon because I can wash my hair myself and usually I would go to the regular Indian barber should I need to get my hair done. It costed way cheaper than in saloon.
Obviously, Louise took a longer time to finish than me and when we about to leave the saloon, we were handed a clue from our Marshall.
Day 7: Task 7
Drive yourself to Bukit Raja Shopping Centre which will be your final pitstop and your chance to win RM20,000!!
Go! Go! Go!!!
I was baffled. We still got 1 more challenge to do and our Marshall told us that there is a team already at the pitstop and we can forgo all the remaining task. I looked at Louise and we smiled at each other. We had done our very best! Let's enjoy this very last moment I told her.
The marshall did not reveal which team had won and both teams; Team Ika and Team Anu seemed very competitive. I made haste drive ourselves to Bukit Raja, Klang and upon reaching I heard roaring crowds. I pressed the car horn signalling of our arrival, got off from our car and went up on stage. It was certainly an emotional moment for him and I was really glad that I was at the final. Team Ika had won the race and followed by Team Anu whom arrived just few minutes behind them. We arrived 30 minutes after Team Anu.

Here am I, waving at the crowd and hugged with other contestants whom had congratulated me and Louise.

These are some of the Marshalls that were assigned to each team, making sure that all teams perfomed their task accordingly and also followed the rules.

A family photo of all the contestants with some Mix FM DJs (Caroline, Ika, Non, Aldeena and Richard Ng).

I would like to take this oppurtunity to thank Mix FM of choosing me as one of the participant of this Mega Shopping Race 2. It is certainly a memorable race which there is no way I could forget in my entire life. Next to Louise Wong, my partner for accepting and had tolerated me throughout the 7 days race and I apologized for any shortcomings.
Thanks to all the other contestants which you guys had made this race a very competitive and ethically of course. I enjoyed my time spending with you guys and shared our backgrounds.
Update as of May 1st, 2007It had been 3 years now, the race had seemed very fresh in my memories. Looking back the pictures had certainly reminded me a lot. I still keep in touch with Agus and we had tried our luck to register ourselves in Reality Adventure shows such as TV3's Explorace Season 3 (which we were not the finalist) and we sent our audition tape to Amazing Race Asia Season 2 as well as Nokia Wireless Challenge.
I heard Lela and TJ from Team Aldeena had joined TV3 Explorace Season 3 as well with their respective partners but Lela had been chosen as one of the finalist. Lela also joined the 1 Utama Shopping Challenge as well.
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