13 May 2007

Nokia N95 Wireless Adventure Challenge

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Being a reality adventure freak (yes, I watch all series of Amazing Races, our local Exploraces etc) and had joined the 7 days race around Malaysia (click here to find out more), I registered mua and my race buddy, Agus (nickname Rowdy Rough Boyz) in the Nokia N95 Wireless Adventure Challenge.

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Above: This is mua and Agus

Actually I would like to thank Izad for announcing this challenge in his blog or else I would had no idea at all.

It had been 2 weeks after I submitted our entry online via Nokia Nseries website and on Wednesday, May 9th when I was having dinner at Chilies, Mid Valley with some cat owners and breeders celebrating their cats' winnings for the last show season, I received a call and here this gentleman congratulating me for being chosen as one of the team for audition which will be held on Saturday, May 12th at Westin Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. I was dumb-founded and overjoy!!

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Saturday came and Agus and I turned up at Westin, Level 1, Malaya Room 1 at 1.45pm as requested. We registered ourselves at the Reception Area while a photographer snap a couple of our photos. We were given a ticket number 27 and asked to head to Malaya 1 for a photo shooting.

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A nice lady attended to us and we were asked to give an impressive post and we did, standing back to back and gave the photographer our mean look!! Then we were seated and waited patiently for our turn. Thank god, there was a coffee dispenser machine and I just have to have a cup of coffee to perk me up. While waiting and chatting with Agus, we were interrupted by another team, Richard (i think) and his race partner, Ifa (a sexy malay gal). They introduced ourselves and so did we and from there, the whole Malaya 1 filled with our laughters. They are such cool dudes and I hope they will be chosen (as well as us!!)


Well, that is our number lucky number and we were escorted to Malaya 2 and upon entry, I feel like I was in American Idol audition. The room was full of posters and there are 2 chairs (high possibility for us) and there is a table sat by 2 man and a lady (whom she had the sweetest smile I ever seen and ooo... she is from 8TV). Besides the judges, there were 1 photographer and 1 cameraman (are we going to be on TV or something??). Of course, we do have some other 'spectators' sitting at one corner which I had no clue of their purpose being there.

"A very good afternoon lady and gentlemen", I said with a loud stunning voice and gave them a big smile.

We were asked to be seated in front of them and this malay man (I just can't see the card that shows where is he from!!) asked us to introduce ourselves. Then the lady from 8TV asked us how do we know about the Nokia challenge in which I replied that I was the one who got to know it from a blog that I frequently visit.

"Are you a blogger yourself?", asked the chinese man from Nokia.

"Oh yes, definitely.", I answered

"What do you blog about and what is the name of your blog?"

"The name of my blog is New Cats on the Blog and I blogged about cats"

"CATS???", the malay man and 8TV lady shout out loud simultaneously

I gave them the "Kenapa?? Tak Percaya kah?" kinda look and I said yes.

Cut story short, we talked about cats for about 5 minutes or more while Agus sitting beside me looked kinda bored (sorry to steal all the limelight ok!!) and the 8TV lady seemed very very surprised that I had 7 cats under my care. I gave her that "Kenapa? Tak percaya kah?" look again.

"If you were born as a cat, what cat that you want to be?", asked the Nokia guy.

"I would choose to be a Maine Coon.", I answered confidently

"And why?"

"Maine Coon is the largest cat breed in the world and like me, Maine Coon is known as The Gentle Giant.", I chuckled.

The whole room was full of laughter for a while.

Then we were asked with tough questions (which we had already fully prepared for these kind of auditions) such as what makes your team unique, what makes your team to win this race etc. Our audition, i can say would be one of the longest seeing other teams went into the room on average 10minutes.

We were told that 8 lucky teams will be selected out of 40 60 teams that had been auditioned and these 16 lucky people will received a brand new Nokia N95 phone EACH as the initial prize and will be using the phone during the course of the race which will be held on May 26th-27th in Kuala Lumpur. 8 lucky teams will be contacted the next day (Sunday) or latest Monday by the organizer and a hands-in training on using the Nokia N95 phone will be conducted a week before the race!

1/5 or 20%13.33% chances that we, the Rowdy Rough Boyz may be selected. Pray for us that we are going to be one of the lucky 8!

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Izad said...

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! So *^&*ing excitde for you! We kept forgetting to send in our details so we actually missed the deadline for this one (plus both of us just got SEK800i each.. hahah nokia's rival). But YES! I really do hope you guys will get on the show!!!!!!!! You must give me full exclusive to interview you on my blog once this is over! :) :) :)

This should be a great precursor for TAR:Asia2 for you guys! Yay!! So happy for you.

Horatio said...

Hey man!!

alamak!! how can u miss the dateline. both of us r such realtity adventure freaks!!

ok, ok. next time if got such races will call u ok.

u got K800i? How? Oooo.. diam2 ah!

If i got into the race, i wud certainly be happy to accept ur exclusive interview :p

Wish me luck!!

Anonymous said...

kudos my fren! wish u luck to b 1 of the Top 8. keep us posted

Anonymous said...

looks like ur adventure flame is still burning hot!

keep up the spirit, man.

Izad said...

And if you need someone to catsit for you, let me know! :)

Horatio said...

thanks for the well-wishes guys.

To Izad: Thanks for the offer man but sadly to announce that i had no luck in joining this race.

The Rowdy Rough Boyz was not selected in the 8 teams line up.

Anyway, will wait for TARA 2